Dave on e-Learning
Originally uploaded by tmarble.
David Groos sharing his experiences as a middle school teacher and his conceptual framework tools as we enjoy chocolate muffins at Betsy's Back Porch Coffee.
David Groos sharing his experiences as a middle school teacher and his conceptual framework tools as we enjoy chocolate muffins at Betsy's Back Porch Coffee.
David Groos and I talking about education this morning...
Phillip (Flip) Russel and Gary Thompson at the Sun booth at OSCON 2006.
Amy Roh and David VanCouvering at the Sun booth at OSCON 2006.
Rich Sands and Sara Dornsife (our party goddess!) at OSCON 2006.
Laurie Tolson and Tom Marble talking about open sourcing Java SE on the MAX.
Glynn Foster, Patrick Finch and Laura Ramsey at OSCON 2006.
Ken Drachnik and Erwin Tenhumberg
at the Sun booth at OSCON.
Joe Bonesara, Eric Lowe and
Brian Utterbeck
at the Sun booth at OSCON.
Channing Lovely and Glynn Foster
at the Sun booth at OSCON.
Here we see Emily Suter, Simon Phipps and Onno Kluyt discussing an upcoming presentation.